Cape Ann news in brief | Community |

2022-07-15 19:53:20 By : Ms. Xia Jason

Mainly clear. Low 62F. Winds S at 10 to 15 mph..

Mainly clear. Low 62F. Winds S at 10 to 15 mph.

Listings may be sent to: Goings On, Gloucester Daily Times, 36 Whittemore St., Gloucester, MA 01930, or emailed to Joann Mackenzie at, at least two weeks prior to the event.

Severely wind-damaged last spring, the west bell tower of Our Lady of Good Voyage Church needs restoration. Home to historic carillon bells, repairs have held up through this winter, but permanent structural restoration is necessary. American Steeple of Salem will repair the tower and replace the roof, hopefully starting this year. Insurance will cover some costs, but at least $150,000 is needed to fully restore the tower. Donations can be made at or mailed to Our Lady of Good Voyage Parish, 74 Pleasant St., Gloucester, MA 01930. Questions? Call 978-281-4820 or email

ESSEX — The TOHP Burnha.m.— Library hosts story hours with children’s librarian April Wanner outside on the lawn each Wednesday for songs, rhymes, stories and creative play, from 9 to 9:30 a.m., Wee Ones, ages 0 to 2 with a caregiver; and 10 to 10:30 a.m., ages 3 to 5 with a caregiver. The TOHP Burnha.m.— Library is located at 30 Martin St, Essex. If it rains, check the library’s Facebook page for Story Hour via Facebook Live at the sa.m.—e time.

Sawyer Free Library, 2 Dale Ave., hosts “Stories, Bubbles, and Fun” on Wednesdays from 10 to 10:45 a.m. Children and their caregivers enjoy a fun morning of bubbles, songs, stories and friends at the library. More information and registration is available at or by calling 978-325-5500.

MANCHESTER — Several museums are offering timed ticket reservations. To reserve library passes to the Cape Ann Museum, Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA), Museum of Science, Peabody Essex Museum and Zoo New England., Manchester Public Library patrons may visit and click on Museum Passes to begin the reservation process. Click on the museum you are interested in visiting and there you will see instructions to reserve your timed ticket. If you have any questions, please call the library at 978-526-7711. With spring vacation next month, consider reserving your passes today.

ESSEX — The Essex Council on Aging is sponsoring the speaker series, “Planning Your Life — the Next Phase.” This free monthly progra.m.— is geared to those 60 and older, and offered on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. on the third floor of the handicapped/elevator accessible Essex Town Hall, 30 Martin St., Essex. Intended to assist people in preparing for their future senior years, the sessions are conducted by experts on each topic. The schedule is July 19 — Travel and Leisure; Aug. 16 —Lifelong Learning; Sept. 20 —Medicare 101; Oct. 18— Planning Ahead for Your Departure: Funeral Planning; Nov. 15 — Social Security. Questions? Call 978-768-7932.

Area musicians are invited to play in an exciting band concert on Oct. 22, as part of the Cape Ann Festival Band Concert featuring the Cape Ann and Ipswich community bands and the Rockport Legion Band. Rehearsals begin Thursday, Oct. 6, at 7 p.m. in the band room of Ipswich High School, and continue on Oct. 13, 20 and 21, all at 7 p.m. The concert is slated for Oct. 22 at 7 p.m. Musicians may contact David Benjamin at 978-281-2286 or to register for the free progra.m.—.

SALEM — International human rights lawyer Amal Clooney is slated to visit Salem State University this fall. The visit comes as the Salem State University Foundation, Inc., celebrates the 40th anniversary of its popular speaker series and plans a return to in-person events. Clooney’s visit is slated for Sept. 20, and will include a discussion about her work as an international human rights lawyer. The event will be held Sept. 20 at 7:30 p.m. in the university’s O’Keefe Complex in the Twohig Gymnasium. Tickets may be purchased at or by calling 978-542-7555.

Gloucester fishing industry workers are invited to come to the Provider on the Pier free medical clinic every Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Harbormaster’s office, 19 Harbor Loop #2. The Massachusetts HEALs Coalition: Fishing Partnership Support Services, North Shore Community Health, Addison Gilbert Hospital/Lahey Health, Middlesex Recovery, and North Shore Health Project/ONESTOP provide walk-in service that offers access to basic medical evaluations, assistance with health insurance enrollment, wound care, and HIV/Hep C and STI testing. Been thinking about going to the doctor’s office? Provider on the Pier is ready to help. You don’t even need an appointment. In fact, walk-ins are encouraged.

MANCHESTER — “Neighbors Helping Neighbors” is the theme of the Manchester Knights of Columbus ongoing 24/7 food drive for The Open Door’s food pantry in Gloucester. The need on Cape Ann is greater now than ever before, so all are encouraged to leave food donations in the designated bins in the garage on Friend Street behind Sacred Heart Church, School Street, Manchester. Food items most needed are peanut butter; canned tuna, chicken, turkey; healthy snack items; breakfast cereal; 100% juice/juice boxes; hearty soups; canned vegetables and fruits; spaghetti sauce; macaroni and cheese; rice; noodles and pasta; and cake, muffin, and pancake mixes. (Please no glass items-jars, bottles, etc.) Knights of Council 1232 transport the donated food to The Open Door weekly. This food drive is an open-ended and on-going effort.

Rockport’s historic Emerson Inn is the oceanfront setting this summer for a Cape Ann Makers Market, creative collectives of original works for viewing and purchase by Cape Ann’s crafters and artisans from 6 to 9 p.m., free, Thursday, Aug. 11. The Emerson Inn is located at 1 Cathedral Ave., with Inn and street parking. Nature and coastal inspired handmade art and crafts include jewelry, metal smithing, painting, photography, fiber arts, candles, hand harvested artisanal sea salts, natural body care and much more. The inn offers a buffet dinner, bar service, and live music.

On Saturday, July 16, on Pavilion Beach in front of the Beauport Hotel, 55 Commercial St., Chief Edward Conley and the Gloucester Police Department challenge community members to a lobster crate race on the waters of Gloucester Harbor to help support renovation of the Gloucester High School weight room. If you’re up for running across a series of lobster crates floating atop the water, with judges counting the number of crates you touch before falling into the water, you’ll be making a big splash for a good cause. Racers will be grouped based on weight. Extensive safety measures include boats to help participants get to shore; all must wear life jackets and foot protection. All proceeds go to the Gloucester Fishermen Athletic Association’s efforts to provide funding for renovating the Gloucester High School weight room, to be dedicated to the late Greg Swinson, who taught in Gloucester schools for 35 years and coached football and strength and conditioning. All participants are asked to make a $10 donation, but larger donations will be appreciated. To register, visit To donate to the Gloucester Fishermen Athletic Association’s High School weight room project directly, visit

David Benjamin, the summer music director for the City of Gloucester, has organized a concert series that ends on Aug. 28 with the Rico Barr Band. All concerts will be Sundays at 7 p.m. at the Antonio Gentile Bandstand, Stage Fort Park, Hough Avenue, Gloucester. Also, the Cape Ann Community Band will perform Saturday, Aug. 20, at 7 p.m. Rain dates are the next Wednesday evening. Saturday concerts, the next Tuesday. Admission and parking are free. Restrooms are handicap accessible. Bring a chair or blanket. Questions? Visit or call 978-281-2286.

MANCHESTER — As required by Massachusetts Regulation 603 CM 23.00, the Manchester Essex Regional School District is providing notification to parents and students who attended Manchester or Essex Schools and graduated in 2015 that all temporary records will be destroyed on July 29, 2022. If you would like to obtain your record prior to destruction, please call 978-525-6060 by July 22, 2022.

Need help with your resume or cover letter? Looking for advice on your job search? Contact or call 978-325-5500 to make an appointment for in-person assistance with a librarian. Computers, Chromebooks, tablets, WiFi Hotspots, printing, photocopying, plus scanning and saving via email and flash drive are also all available, free at Sawyer Free Library, 2 Dale Ave., Gloucester. For more information, visit

ESSEX — The Smithsonian’s Museum on Main Street, in cooperation with Massachusetts Humanities, is coming to the Essex. The Essex Historical Society and Shipbuilding Museum and Essex Town Hall will host “Crossroads: Changes in Rural America,” a traveling exhibit produced by the Smithsonian’s Museum on Main Street program, from Sept. 10 to Oct. 22. This outreach program — engages small town audiences and underserved rural communities. For more information, contact Jen Atwood at

ROCKPORT — Every Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m. a Drum Circle will be held at The Performance Room at Whale’s Jaw Cafe. Drum Circles have been known to be a healing and growth event for all who join the circle. So bring a drum or percussion instrument and join the group led by Dickie Newport at the cafe, 17 Railroad Ave. in Rockport.

The Gloucester Republican City Committee meets on the third Saturday of each month at Shore Tech, Harbor Loop, at 9:30 a.m. If you’re concerned about the direction this country and our world are headed, please attend. Change starts at the local level, and many hands and voices are needed. Together, we can make a difference. All political persuasions are welcome.

PEABODY — The Northshoremen Barbershop Chorus welcomes men of all ages who love to sing to join them. The chorus rehearses every Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Peabody Electric Light Company, 201 Warren St. Extension, Peabody, except for the first week of each month, when they rehearse on Thursdays. Come to the next rehearsal, or for more information call 866-727-4988.

ROCKPORT — The Rockport Public Library offers automatic renewals on most items checked out from the library. Items will automatically renew if they have not been returned three days before their due date. Patrons will no longer have to take steps to renew items, even if the items ca.m.—e from a library in Rockport’s network of libraries. Items that cannot be renewed include lucky day titles, items on waiting lists, items that have reached their renewal limit, items borrowed from outside the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium (MVLC), items checked out from a nonparticipating library. By initiating renewals automatically, the library complements its existing fine-free model, under which the library no longer charges fines for overdue items. Patrons who have registered their email addresses with the library will get an email notifying them that their items have been automatically renewed — and reminders of upcoming due dates. To add your email for this service, email, call 978-546-6934 or speak with a librarian.

ROCKPORT — The Rockport Farmers Market is back with local produce you won’t find in the supermarket. Find it every Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon in Harvey Park through Oct. 15. For more information, visit

MANCHESTER — Manchester senior citizens are invited to attend a cookout sponsored in part by the Friends of the Manchester Council on Aging on Tuesday, July 19, at Tuck’s Point. The menu will include steak tips, chicken kebabs, summer salads, beverage and dessert. Lunch will be served at 12:15 p.m. and the cost is $10 per person. Reservations and prepayment required by July 15. As always, the Council on Aging van is available. Please call the Council on Aging office, 10 Central St., at 978-526-7500 for more information or to RVSP .

ROCKPORT — On Thursday, Aug. 4, from 5 to 7 p.m., the state Department of Conservation and Recreation’s Halibut Point State Park and co-sponsor Friends of Halibut Point State Park invite friends and families to a grand re-opening “Evening by the Sea” celebration at the park on Gott Avenue. The event features an open house at the newly renovated Visitor Center, with new displays on the Granite Quarrying Industry, World War II building, tower, and military’s radar-research use, and the site’s natural heritage. Enjoy music by local Rockport band The Headlands. Food and ice cream — available for purchase. No alcohol permitted. Bring a blanket or lawn chair. The entrance path to the quarry and Visitor Center is now Americans with Disabilities Act compliant for universal access. Rain or shine; heavy rain cancels. Questions? Visit halibut point state

Sawyer Free Library, 2 Dale Ave. in Gloucester offers the following events. Questions? Visit or 978-325-5500.

Summer Fridays, 2 to 4 p.m., Summer Reading Help for Students Grade 4 and above — for a summer work packet or book from summer reading list, join Marisa in the Children’s Room. Questions? Contact or 978-325-5549.

Thursday, July 14 and 28, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., STEM-tastic Thursday: Summer Reading — with Children’s Librarian Marisa. Questions, experiments and discoveries. Grades 1-5. Registration required at: or 978-325-5505

Friday, July 15, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., Summer Fun Musical Storytime with Ruthanne Paulson — A festive morning of Summer fun, stories, singing, dancing, and playing music outside in the library a.m.—phitheater. Questions? Contact: or 978-325-5505.

Thursday, July 21, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., Tween Night: Spooky Storytelling — Read beyond the beaten path and hang out at the Library with us! Great for Tweens grades 4-8. Questions? Contact: or 978-325-5549.

Saturday, July 23, 11 a.m. to noon, Snakes of the World with Rick Roth — Cape Ann Vernal Pond Tea.m.— visits the outdoor a.m.—phitheater. Hold or just admire and learn about snakes. Questions? Contact: or 978-325-5505.

Five Thursdays, July 28, 10 to 1 a.m., Gardening & Stories with Backyard Growers — Children plan, plant, water, weed, maintain & harvest a garden at the library all summer with Backyard Growers in this series of 5 Thursday morning events. Learn about gardening and share books and stories while exploring the process of growing. The raised garden beds are outside of the children’s area. Questions? Contact: or 978-325-5505.

Saturday, July 30, 11 a.m. to noon, Outdoor concert — at Masconomo Park in Manchester. With musical groups “Ants on a Log” and “Bee Parks & the Hornets.” If rain, moves to Manchester Memorial Elementary School. Questions? or 978-325-5551.

ROCKPORT — The Friends of Rockport Public Library will hold a book sale July 15 through 17 with a Members Preview Night from 5 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, July 14. New members are welcome to join. Choose from a large inventory of hardbacks and paperbacks, children’s books, CDs and videos. All profits support children’s progra.m.—s, winter movie series, museum passes, author series, and other special projects that are not covered in the operating budget of the library. Sale hours are Friday, July 15, and Saturday, July 16, 10 to 5 p.m., and Sunday, July 17, 1 to 5 p.m. The handicap accessible library is at Broadway and School Street or 978-546-6934.

MANCHESTER — The Manchester Council on Aging has a great range of summer trips waiting for seniors. All require advance reservations for seat assignment on the van by calling the Council on Aging office at 978-526-7500, or stop by the office at 10 Central St. Please note: masks are required on the van.

Wednesdays, July 13 and 27 and Aug. 10 and 24, Cape Ann Lanes in Gloucester — the Manchester Council on Aging is pleased to offer a trip to Cape Ann Lanes in Gloucester. Enjoy a few strings of candlepin bowling. No experience needed. $3 per person per string, $3 shoe rental. Van pickup starts at 10:45 a.m.

Wednesday, July 15, Salem Willows— Sit by the sea and enjoy food, snacks and ocean air. Senior van pickup starts at 11a.m. Return around 2 p.m.

Wednesday, July 20, monthly mystery ride— Senior van pick-up starts at noon, returns by 2 p.m.

Friday, July 22, trip to Trader Joe’s — Burlington Coat Factory, and T.J. Maxx, Walmart. Van pick-up starts 10 a.m. Masks and van reservation required.

Friday, July 29, trip to Ocean State Job Lots in Danvers— Van pickup starts about 10 a.m. Seat reservations required.

Cape Ann Museum is presenting its exhibition of local indigenous artifacts from Cape Ann, on view in the downtown ca.m.—pus, 27 Pleasant St., Gloucester. The display also includes selections from the Annisqua.m.— Historical Society. For admission and information, visit

ROCKPORT — The Rockport Public Library, 17 School St., hosts Which Craft? on Mondays at 11 a.m. in the Trustees Room. No instruction, just a getaway for crafters to work on needlecraft with lively company and conversations. For more information, call 978-546-6934, or visit Events requiring registration are noted below with contact info

Need help getting groceries? Let food be one less thing to worry about with The Open Door’s new programs. New clients and those returning after more than two years can create an online shopping profile at or call 978-283-6776. New profiles will be processed within one business day. Active clients can place orders at or call 978-283-6776. Translation services are available in many languages. Groceries will be ready for pick-up, with limited delivery available. Need food today? Visit the Gloucester Food Pantry at 28 Emerson Ave., during business hours for basic groceries. Ordering online or by phone for pick-up or delivery within 1-3 business days allows you more choice. The Open Door is open Monday through Wednesday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Thursday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Need SNAP (Food Stamps)? One-on-one, confidential prescreening for application, recertification, and interim report available at 978-283-6776 ext. 201 or Community Meals? Pick-up and delivery, 3 p.m. to close Monday through Friday. Extra meals available on Fridays for the weekend. For more information, visit

ROCKPORT — The Rockport Senior Center has now resumed trips, and announces this excursion with transportation by motor coach. Prepaid registrations required by calling the Council on Aging, 978-546-2573, or stopping by the office at 58 Broadway.

Wednesday, Aug. 17, Charles Riverboat Cruise — a 70-minute narrated tour on the Charles River. The riverboat loops through Boston and Ca.m.—bridge past plenty of highlights and historic buildings. First, enjoy lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. Coach departs Rockport Park n’Ride lot on Blue Gate Lane at 10:15 a.m. and returns about 5 p.m. All expenses included in fee of $98, pre-paid by Aug. 1.

ROCKPORT — Rockport Council on Aging Senior Center will host the following summer events, free to the public at the Senior Center/Community House, 58 Broadway. For more information, call Cal Workman during working hours at 978-546-2573.

Tuesday, July 19, 10:15 — 11:15 a.m.— Healthy aging, healthy skin— Carol Pallazolla and a licensed nurse from Element Care present evidenced based information on how to care for your skin, the largest organ of our bodies. Learn to spot trouble spots and get helpful home remedy tips on how to nourish and protect your skin.

Aug. 9, 10:15 to 11:15 a.m., introduction to the Greenbelt paths— Over 17,500 acres of natural public conserved land nearby and walking trails await you. All free to the public. Mary Ellen Kelly from the Essex County Greenbelt introduces you to this natural public resource with route maps of varying distances and terrain suitable for every fitness and interest level.

Sawyer Free Library is hosting an evening with Carnegie Medal-winning and New York Times bestselling author Eric Klinenberg on July 14 from 6 to 7 p.m., followed by an audience discussion and a dessert reception at the library’s outdoor a.m.—phitheater. This event is free to the public. Come take part as NYU’s director of the Institute for Public Knowledge illustrates how social infrastructure like the modern library creates lasting and powerful connections where shared values and experiences build community consensus in “Palaces for the People.” Questions? Visit

A non-denominational ladies Bible, coffee hour study is held Wednesdays from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at Gloucester Assembly of God, 211 Washington St. in Gloucester. Ladies of all ages and all churches are welcome. This informal meeting includes Bible study, group discussion, prayer and fellowship. The study will be led by the Rev. Rebecca Keefe of Gloucester. More information is available by contacting Gloucester Assembly of God at 978-283-1736 or

The Cape Ann Thrift Shop, located at the Trinity Congregational Church UCC, 70 Middle St., Gloucester, is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon. Inventory of clothing, jewelry and accessories to household items frequently changes, and includes barely-used items or new items with tags. Donations accepted during operating hours. Proceeds support Trinity Congregational Church Missions’ community-focused programs. Connect with church via email, or online at

Ambassador Ido Aharoni, Global Distinguished Professor at New York University’s Program of International Relations in the faculty of Arts and Sciences, will present a talk about Israel’s next election on Wednesday, July 13, at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom. While Israel’s democracy is thrown into its fifth election cycle in four years, concerns have been expressed about the instability of Israel’s political system. Aharoni, a familiar face to North American audiences, will share his assessment as to the future of Israel’s political system. The program, which is free to all, is sponsored by Lappin Foundation, Consulate General of Israel to New England, and the Jewish Community Center of the North Shore. Register for the Zoom link at For more information contact Susan Feinstein at 978-740-4431 or email

WINCHENDON — The Beals Memorial Library in Winchendon seeks entries into the third annual Beals Prize for Poetry. Ten finalists will be chosen by the judges to read their work at the awards presentation on Thursday, Sept. 1. Prizes of $150, $75 and $50 will be awarded to the top three competition finalists. Submissions for the contest are being accepted through Sunday, July 31. Entrants may submit only one, original and unpublished poem. Submissions must be emailed to (Word docs preferred). Notification of receipt of entry will be via return email, and competition finalists will be notified on or before Aug. 19. The Beals Prize for Poetry is funded in part by the Winchendon Cultural Council and by the Friends of the Beals Memorial Library. Call the library at 978-297-0300 or go to for more information.

The Capt. Lester S Wass Post 3 American Legion in Gloucester is hosting the Power Expo Rock band from Boston on Aug. 19, from 7 to 10 p.m. at 8 Washington St., Gloucester. All proceeds will help the vets of the American Legion. There will be a 50/50 50/50 raffle and a raffle for a free stay at the Beauport Hotel which will support the Mass Coalition of the blind and the American Legion post. For more information, email

ESSEX — At TOHP Burnham Essex Public Library this week, lots of fun things for kids of all ages. Note: Events are in person at the library, 30 Martin St, Essex. If registration is required, act quickly, as space is limited. Questions? Email April Wanner at For more information, visit

Thursday, July 14, 10 to11:15 a.m.— Kite Workshop, for grade 5 through Adult, with kite specialist Glenn Davison. Create your own unique kite and learn more about kites. Registration required at

Friday, July 15, 5 to 7 p.m.— Teen Henna Night — with Mandy of Wicked Good Henna, for grades 6 to 12, with beautiful, free henna design. Spaces limited, registration required at

Saturdays, closed all summer through Labor Day.

“Mr Fullerton Between the Sheets” is Gloucester Stage Company’s steamy, eyebrow-raising return to the Gilded Age by way of a daring new play by Anne Undeland. Directed by Judy Braha, “Mr Fullerton” is a turn-of-the-century tale of unbridled passion inspired by Edith Wharton’s love letters to her young lover, Morton Fullerton. Unearthed in the last 25 years, the letters tell of Wharton’s discovery of love in all the bliss, heartbreak, and madness of her mid-life affair in early 20th century Paris. Staring Sarah Newhouse as Edith Wharton, and Ryan Winkles as Mr. Fullerton. Performances are Wednesday through Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday at 3 p.m. through July 24 at Gloucester Stage Company, 267 E. Main S. For full details and information about tickets, now on sale, visit

ROCKPORT — The Rockport Public Library has added Creativebug to its list of online databases. Creativebug offers more than 1,000 videos by artists and professionals detailing a wide variety of art and craft projects for all ages. Videos cover painting, ceramics, knitting, quilting, jewelry-making, party crafts, and more. Some crafts can be learned in a single video, or skills can be honed over multiple videos. To get started, visit, go to home page, enter your library card number and email address. After that, you’ll only need to enter your card number to get crafting! Questions? 978-546-6934.

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First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.